10.7 MHz crystal band-pass filter, 2 poles
10.7 MHz crystal band-pass filter, 2 poles
The basic building block for all custom built filters is the two- pole monolithic filter available in standard package as shown. Two pole monolithic filters are cascaded to produce four, six and eight pole filter responses with the addition of coupling capacitors between two-pole sections. Standard filters are available with center frequencies from 10.7 MHz to 90 MHz, and from two to eight poles. For custom made filters, please specify the following: ï Holder Size ï Nominal Frequency ï Pass Bandwidth Note: 45F Series 45.000 MHz fundamental is a special filter designed for mobile radio and cellular phone applications.
- Insertion Loss
- Attenuation
- Spurious Response
- Ripple
- Terminating Impedance
- Operating Temp. Range